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  • Writer's pictureLindsey Nelson

Level Up Lab | Instagram Profile-How a Cosmetologist Should Set Up Their Instagram Bio.

Welcome to class! This will be the most fun lab class you will ever attend. I will be your lab partner and I promise to pull my weight and never leave my work at home! We will touch on interesting topics that every stylist should be doing but with a few tweaks that will level up your business game. Are you ready to Level Up?

Today's lab is all about your Instagram profile with some actionable tips and tricks to attract potential new clients. I have learned, through trial and error what works and what does not work. Some of these tips you may already be doing while some may be new, but it is always fun to change up your marketing efforts.

User name: Many IG users agree that having an easily spelled user name or handle

(@name) is important. For instance, my handle is ''. It is easy to spell and easy to remember. These are important because potential new clients need to be able to find you.

Profile Picture: This picture should be a professional picture of you. If you cannot get a professional photographer to take a headshot for you, just take one with your smartphone in good, natural lighting.

Name: The name that goes here can not only be your first name but can also contain your profession, specialty, or even your location. Since this information is searchable, use this to your advantage. If a potential client is searching for a hairstylist in let's say, Dallas Texas, they might search, "hairstylist Dallas" and if you have that phrase in your name, then you pop up right on their screen. Go ahead and give it a try!

Bio: In this area, I like to list my specialties, what I offer, and a quick blurp about me personally. If you are an extension specialist or a bridal stylist, then definitely list that.

You can also put those specialties in the 'name' section as well.

For instance: 'Lindsey- Extensions' then the area that I work in.

I love to make the font in this area bold by using which is a simple-to-use website. I also think it is beneficial to use periods, lines, or characters to break up the space which allows for easier reading. I also list a few things about myself such as 'Mom' or hobbies that I am into. Clients like to see if that can relate to you. They like to see if they have things in common with you. Adding cute emojis is fun too, just be creative!

Call to Action: At the bottom of the bio, don't forget to add a good 'call to action'. A call to action is a short phrase that tells the client what to do next and/or how to reach you. Some clear CTA's are: 'Click the link in the bio', 'Request and appointment' or 'DM me'. You are telling them what to do to get an appointment with you.

Website or Link: This is where you add a direct link to your website, online booking page, or a link tree. is a free website where you can add multiple links and then just post 1 direct link to Linktree. Again, if it was not easy to use, I would not be using it. I like simple.

Highlights: Highlights are past stories that you want to save for later viewing. You can categorize the highlights in groups and even give them names. I like potential new clients to not only see photos of my work but also see what classes I have taken. Some other good ideas for highlight groups would be, behind the scenes, your hobbies and even your family. I love checking out my friends' fun adventures and travels.

I used to create my highlight covers. You can select your brand's colors and fonts too. I used the paid-for version but there is a free version. I liked Canva so much that I bought the monthly subscription and I use it frequently so I think that it is worth the small fee. Plus, it is a write-off! #winning


Alright, that's it for class today. hope you find some of these tips and tricks useful and that you can execute them quickly. Have fun with it and use your creativity! I added some graphics for my visual learners.

See you in class!

Be sure to grab your FREE copy of my ebook "5 Ways to Get New Clients" by clicking here!


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